Broken Dream, is a series of black and white photographs sequenced to form an open narrative. My intention is to convey the feeling of a loss through images of broken mirrors in varying sizes and repetitive imagery. With varying sizes I want to play with the idea of memory. I begin with the protagonist looking at herself reflected in a mirror and much like the Greek story of Narcissus I wanted to suggest unrequited love and immediately followed the image with a second image, larger, showing the mirror broken, the introduction to a tragedy. The empty chair suggests someone missing, the letter, crumpled and hard to read points to the failure of communication. The narrative repeats the mirror.

I wanted to use symbols sequenced in fragments of images that express a dreamlike quality of failure. I believe the interiors and last night image achieves this. Most of the images are blurry and soft which gives the dreamlike state. The images are fragments of a dream, so you have to try and fill in the blanks yourself. Each person who views it will come up with their own story using the images provided making it unique to each viewer.


Grimm Tales


Map of Photography